
Daily payments by card and cashback

Ryan regularly has lunch with his co-workers at a café near the office and always offers to pay the bill with his card. That way they don’t have to waste time calculating individual amounts and can get back to work faster.

Ryan’s colleagues transfer the money to him on the way back to the office through the app using his phone number.

Many of Ryan’s co-workers use their NDA card
as their go-to

Among Millennials who use an NDA debit card, X% consider it their primary card

Respondents: NDA clients using a debit cardSource: Debit card satisfaction surveyPeriod: February-September 2021
, so it’s easy to transfer
the money.
How difficult is it for Millennials to make transfers in the mobile app?EasyX%HardX%Respondents: NDA clients using the mobile appSource: Mobile app satisfaction surveyPeriod: March-September 2021
And because they use the same bank, there’s no transfer fee.

Distribution of transfers in the mobile app among generations of NDA clients


Generation Y


Generation Х


Generation Z


Baby Boomers

Respondents: NDA clients using the mobile appSource: Internal data on operations in the mobile appPeriod: January-September 2021

It’s also convenient for Ryan. He’s
savvy about the bank’s loyalty program
Are NDA debit card holders aware of the loyalty program?AwareX%UnawareX%Respondents: NDA clients using a debit cardSource: Debit card satisfaction surveyPeriod: February-September 2021
so he receives cashback for transactions in restaurants. With the accumulated points he pays for his subscriptions to streaming and music services.

How do Gen Y customers feel about their NDA debit card?





Respondents: NDA clients using a debit cardSource: Debit card satisfaction surveyPeriod: February-September 2021
Transfer statisticslabelsome-error Generation XGeneration YGeneration ZBaby Boomers
among NDA clients
of all transfers are made by Gen Y
of all transfers are made by Gen X
of all transfers are made by Gen Z
of all transfers are made by Baby Boomers

Generational share of all transfers

Transfers between their own accounts (including savings accounts)

transfer money between their accounts

Transfers using a phone/card number or to another bank

transfer money using a phone/card number or to another bank

Transfer to replenish a credit card

use transfers to replenish their credit card

Transfer to another person’s NDA card

prefer transfers to another person’s account


other transfers

Transfer types

of all transfers are made by Gen Y
of all transfers are made by Gen X
of all transfers are made by Gen Z
of all transfers are made by Baby Boomers

Generational share of all transfers

Transfers between their own accounts (including savings accounts)

transfer money between their accounts

Transfers using a phone/card number or to another bank

transfer money using a phone/card number or to another bank

Transfer to replenish a credit card

use transfers to replenish their credit card

Transfer to another person’s NDA card

prefer transfers to another person’s account


Transfer types

of all transfers are made by Gen Y
of all transfers are made by Gen X
of all transfers are made by Gen Z
of all transfers are made by Baby Boomers

Generational share of all transfers

Transfers between their own accounts (including savings accounts)

transfer money between their accounts

Transfers using a phone/card number or to another bank

transfer money using a phone/card number or to another bank

Transfer to replenish a credit card

use transfers to replenish their credit card

Transfer to another person’s NDA card

prefer transfers to another person’s account


other transfers

Transfer types

of all transfers are made by Gen Y
of all transfers are made by Gen X
of all transfers are made by Gen Z
of all transfers are made by Baby Boomers

Generational share of all transfers

Transfers between their own accounts (including savings accounts)

transfer money between their accounts

Transfers using a phone/card number or to another bank

transfer money using a phone/card number or to another bank

Transfer to replenish a credit card

use transfers to replenish their credit card

Transfer to another person’s NDA card

prefer transfers to another person’s account


Transfer types

Stable Operation of the Mobile App

Monica makes active use of her debit card. She keeps most of her money in her savings account and transfers it to the card when she needs it. That way Monica can control her daily expenses and earn interest on what she sets
How are the terms of the savings account seen by Generation Y customers?AppealingX%UnappealingX%Respondents: NDA clients with a savings accountSource: Savings account surveyPeriod: July-September 2021

She transfers money from her savings account to her debit card in the app, so it’s very important to her that the app is stable.

Monica once found herself in an uncomfortable situation while shopping for groceries one evening. An error occurred in the bank’s app when she was at the checkout counter that made it impossible for her to transfer money to her main account. There were other people in line behind her, so she had no other choice but to pay for the groceries with a credit card from another bank.

Challenges Generation Y faces using the NDA mobile appIt’s slow and freezes oftenX%The interface isn’t user-friendlyX%Inability to use certain functions (operation errors)X%Problems with updating product balancesX%Infinite loading time, login errors, maintenanceX%
Respondents: NDA clients using the mobile appSource: Mobile app satisfaction surveyPeriod: March-September 2021
How often dolabelsome-error Generation XGeneration YGeneration ZBaby Boomers
customers have situations where they cannot make a payment or a transfer due to an error in the app?
  • Often

  • Rarely

of customers often experience problems with the app
of customers rarely experience problems with the app
of customers often experience problems with the app
of customers rarely experience problems with the app
of customers often experience problems with the app
of customers rarely experience problems with the app
of customers often experience problems with the app
of customers rarely experience problems with the app

Mortgage instead of rented housing

Monica got tired of renting and started thinking about getting a mortgage.

Monica convinced Ryan, and they began thinking about which bank to choose for the loan.

Many of Monica and Ryan’s friends speak highly of NDA mortgages. They sometimes run into trouble making their payments on time, but they manage well enough.

That said, their friends who got mortgages in other banks are also satisfied.

How do clients evaluate mortgage conditions in other banks (interest rate, loan amount, term)?





Respondents: NDA clients, current mortgage usersSource: Survey on satisfaction with mortgage servicingPeriod: May-August 2021

One of Monica’s friends told her that she had issues with an early mortgage repayment at NDA.

How easy is it to make a mortgage repayment at NDA?





Mortgage repayment satisfaction survey, data for July-September 2021.
Monica and Ryan debated the pros and cons and finally decided to get a mortgage from NDA. The deciding factor was
the low interest rate.
What criteria does Generation Y use when choosing a bank for a mortgage?Low interest rateX%Down payment amountX%Bank reliabilityX%Early repayment as of the first dayX%Credit durationX%Respondents: Population aged 26-40 living in cities with 100K+ habitantsSource: Brand Navigator. A regular study on the behavior of the population in the banking sector and of their perception of NDA and competitors. Conducted 12 times a year.Period: January-September 2021

Monica applied online. Her request was approved quickly, but she still had to go to the bank in person to complete the process.

How easy is it for Generation Y to apply for a mortgage?





Respondents: NDA clients who have applied for a mortgageSource: Customer satisfaction survey on mortgage applicationsPeriod: January-June 2021

Monica and Ryan took the apartment in a new building.

Making payments also turned out to be pretty convenient. Overall, they’re satisfied with their decision and with the bank’s terms and service. Monica and Ryan plan to pay off the loan in three years.

How easy is it forlabelsome-error Generation XGeneration YGeneration ZBaby Boomersto use an NDA mortgage: make payments, get paperwork, repay early, etc.?
  • Hard

  • Easy

find it hard to use NDA mortgage
find it easy to use NDA mortgage
find it hard to use NDA mortgage
find it easy to use NDA mortgage
find it hard to use NDA mortgage
find it easy to use NDA mortgage
find it hard to use NDA mortgage
find it easy to use NDA mortgage

Investments instead of deposits

Ryan received a notification in the app that when you open a brokerage account with NDA you can receive stocks for free.

Ryan already has a brokerage account with another bank, but he decided to take advantage of the offer anyway and open one with NDA.

He recently discussed the topic of savings with his grandfather and compared deposit rates in different banks at the latter’s behest.

Ryan helped his grandfather deposit money into a savings account but he himself remained unconvinced, deciding that having an extra account for investments wouldn’t hurt.

Why does Generation Y invest?They want to earn regular passive incomeX%They want higher returns than on depositsX%They’re saving up for a safety netX%They’re saving up for a large purchaseX%CuriosityX%OtherX%
Respondents: NDA clients using a brokerage accountSource: Brokerage account satisfaction surveyPeriod: June—September 2021

Ryan tried to open a brokerage account directly in the NDA app, but there was an error. Still, the offer with the free stocks was tempting, so Ryan decided to go to the bank in person and ask for help from a consultant. It turned out that he needed to install an update, and once he did he was immediately able to open an account.

How difficult is it to open an NDA brokerage account according to Generation Y?





Respondents: NDA clients who have opened a brokerage accountSource: Survey on satisfaction with opening a brokerage accountPeriod: June—September 2021

One day, Ryan logged into the app and saw that the price of stocks in one of his companies had taken a nosedive. Fearing that it would only get worse, he decided to quickly get rid of the «bad» shares and sold them despite the loss in profit. It subsequently turned out that the shares had only slumped temporarily. Within a month they recovered and even appreciated in value.

Ryan is actively
exploring investment opportunities
How do millennials evaluate their brokerage account skills?NoviceX%ExperiencedX%ProfessionalX%Respondents: NDA clients using a brokerage accountSource: Brokerage account satisfaction SurveyPeriod: June-September 2021
and often buys stocks. However, the NDA brokerage account isn’t the main one he uses. He often prefers another broker because they provide more information about the shares and the companies that issue them. And there are fewer problems with withdrawing money from the account.
What other brokers are popular among NDA clients of Generation YGrade Trust Corp.X%Solace BankX%Phoenix Bank Inc.X%New Edge Bank GroupX%Bastion Financial Corp.X%Vertex Banks Inc.X%OtherX%
Respondents: NDA clients using a brokerage accountSource: Brokerage account satisfaction surveyPeriod: June-September 2021
Where dolabelsome-error Generation XGeneration YGeneration ZBaby BoomersNDA clients open brokerage accounts?
  • Only in NDA

  • In other companies

have a brokerage account with other companies
only have a brokerage account with NDA bank
have a brokerage account with other companies
only have a brokerage account with NDA bank
have a brokerage account with other companies
only have a brokerage account with NDA bank
have a brokerage account with other companies
only have a brokerage account with NDA bank

We create products for real people

Harold and Patricia

Baby Boomers, 55+

All my money is in cash. It’s more reliable.I keep my savings in deposits.I often go to the bank. The staff there are always willing to help and give advice. It’s more pleasant to communicate with a real person.

Greg and Claire

Generation Х, 41–55

I use cash most of the time. I use my card occasionally.I go to the bank when I need help from a teller or to get documents.I use banking apps but they can get pretty confusing — it’s not always clear which option to choose.I’d like to have more ATMs around and I’d like them to function well.

Ryan and Monica

Generation Y, 26–40

Doing everything through the app is easy, so I only go to the bank when the issue can’t be resolved remotely. Ideally, I wouldn’t have to visit the bank at all.All my money is on my card. It’s much more convenient! I linked my card to my phone so I no longer need to carry a wallet.Everyone’s investing these days, and so am I!I often transfer money and I think doing so should be free.


Generation Z, 18–25

It’d be cool to learn how to invest.I want to get cashback every month! It’d also be great to have more categories for it.I never use cash. I always pay with my smartphone.The most important thing is a user-friendly mobile app where I can manage my money, buy movie tickets and make an appointment to a beauty salon.

A deep understanding of customer experience will help us create and develop products with precision, based on the needs and expectations of each individual.