The report on client experience
NDA from the client’s perspective: a report on client experience
The better we know our clients’ values and habits, the greater the convenience and usefulness of the products we create for them.

NDA is a bank for 15.2 million people
— 10,000 people
Baby Boomers, 56+
Believe in a bright future for their country. Conservative. Make the least use of messenger apps and gadgets.
Generation Х, 41–55
Work hard to give their children the opportunities they lack. Restrained and pragmatic. Witnessed the first PCs and the dawn of the internet.
Generation Y, 26–40
Grew up in the internet age. Not afraid of the new. Value impressions, emotions and experiences.
Generation Z, 18–25
The Digital Generation. Love communicating via messenger apps and social networks. Easily switch between media and experiment with various occupations.
Meet the Hawkins family
Each member of the Hawkins family has their own experience of working with the bank. Get to know their stories and find out how convenient the various NDA products are for different
generations.- Quarterly measurements of the bank’s loyalty index
- Regular measurements of customer satisfaction at various points of contact with the bank
- Public comments made by customers on the resources listed above
Former teacher, currently — tutor
Works as a private tutor. Receives payment in cash because it’s what she’s used to. But her students are asking more and more if they can pay her via bank transfer. Keeps most of her money in a savings account.69 | Baby Boomers
Army officer, retired
Entered retirement as a Captain with a generous pension. Knows how to save up and helps his grandchildren. Follows a strict schedule: morning workout, soup for lunch and evening news on TV.69 | Baby Boomers
Accountant at a railway company
Worked in accounting all her life. Learned how to navigate online bank accounts to make payments from her computer. Does patchwork as a hobby. Her daughter offers to monetize it all the time, but Claire doesn’t do it for the money.49 | Generation X
Car service owner, self-employed
Used to work for the police, but always liked repairing cars. Helped repair his friends’ cars, and then helped his friends’ friends until his hobby became a profession. Recently bought a boat to go fishing.51 | Generation X
Works in an insurance company
Works for an insurance company as a call center team leader. Ryan and Monica live together in a rented apartment. Monica’s saying more and more often that it’d be better if they got a mortgage to buy their own apartment, and she’s monitoring the market in search of a suitable option.27 | Gen Y/Millennials
Works in IT
Studied at Bridsturlom while also trying to develop interface designs. Started making good money and dropped out of college. Landed a job at Royalbuck, a large IT company. Works hard and makes a good living. Currently feels burned out and wants to learn a new trade.29 | Gen Y/Millennials
Journalism major
Runs a TikTok page on Tanton. Works part-time as a barista and combines work with her college studies because she’s always short on pocket money. Helps her parents wrap their heads around the bank’s mobile app.18 | Gen Z/Zoomers